RecordingDate | RecordingName | Instructor | Description | Webcast |
05/10/2015 18:00 | Law, Technology and Disruption | Professor Vincent Gautrais,Professor David Fewer,Me Marcel Naud | Law, Technology and Disruption.
We usually describe the relationship between law and technology by referring to « law lags ». Law is past-dependent and technology has no set agenda. The latter comes to impose de facto its law. So, does law really fail to meet technological advances?
• Professor Vincent Gautrais (Université de Montréal)
• Me Marcel Naud (Robic)
• Professor David Fewer (Director, Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic, University of Ottawa) |
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17/11/2015 18:00 | Caught in the Web | Me Éloïse Gratton,Professor Alexandra Bensamoun,Professor Shauna Van Praagh,Ms. Alyssa Wiseman | Caught in the Web- The information society has turned into a supranational knowledge society and digital economy. No discipline can claim a monopoly on regulating its unbridled development. Can law still play its fundamental role of protection of individuals? presentations by Me Éloïse Gratton (Borden Ladner Gervais,Professor Alexandra Bensamoun (CERDI, Université Paris-Sud),Professor Shauna Van Praagh (McGill Faculty of Law),Ms. Alyssa Wiseman (McGill law student) |
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19/01/2016 18:00 | Digital Patrimony | Me André J. Barette,Mme Miriam Clouthier,Professor Nicolas Vermeys | Has law fully taken account of the effects of the digital revolution on its key concepts, including the concept of “property”? Incorporeal property exists in law, but the concept is not well developed. Dematerialization of patrimony means that the civil law needs to address virtual property.
• Me André J. Barette, TEP (Borden Ladner Gervais)
• Mme Miriam Clouthier
• Professor Nicolas Vermeys (Université de Montréal) |
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23/02/2016 17:50 | Innovation and Intellectual Property | Professor Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse,Professor Richard Gold,Professor Irene Calboli | Lecture offered by the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy (CIPP).
• Professor Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse (McGill Faculty of Law) - "Regulating Creative Industries"
• Professor Richard Gold (McGill Faculty of Law) - "Innovating Innovation Policy"
• Professor Irene Calboli (Texas A&M University School of Law) - "3D, Luxury and Disruptive Technology" |
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22/03/2016 17:58 | Modern Warfare | Professor Frédéric Mégret,Dr. Cassandra Steer, Dr. Tetyana Krupiy,Eric Ward (Senior Counsel, Justice Canada) | March 22, 2016 – Modern Warfare
New technologies, including drones, automated weapon systems and cyberwarfare, have revolutionized military capabilities on the battlefield. How does the international law of armed conflicts respond to the legal and ethical challenges posed by such technologies?
• Professor Frédéric Mégret (McGill Faculty of Law)
• Dr. Tetyana Krupiy (SSHRC postdoctoral Fellow, McGill Faculty of Law) - "Holding accountable programmers and corporate managers: the paradoxes presented by lethal autonomous robots for international law"
• Dr. Cassandra Steer (Erin J.C. Arsenault Fellow, McGill Faculty of Law) - “Star Laws: Why the law of armed conflict matters in outer space”
• Eric Ward (Senior Counsel, Justice Canada) - "Killer Robots and Other Targets of the Legal Imagination" |
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