Misc Symposium: Sport and Identity


What role do sports play in the expression of Canadian cultural identities? In sports, we celebrate inclusion and common purpose, but the history of sports has been marked, much of the time, by prejudice and exclusion. From lacrosse through women’s hockey, Canadian sports have expressed collective resistance, protected endangered community traditions and been key sites of conflict over the character of Canadian society. This symposium brings together five scholars whose work addresses the complex role of sports in Canada.

RecordingDateRecordingNameInstructorDescriptionWebcast MP3 COOLCast MP3 WMV COOLCast WMV MP4 COOLCast MP4
05/05/2015 13:50   
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05/05/2015 13:50   
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05/05/2015 13:50   
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05/05/2015 13:50   
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05/05/2015 14:00Words of Welcome / Mot de bienvenueWill Straw and Brendan KellyWill Straw,Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada; Professor, Department of Art History and Communications Studies /Directeur, Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill; Professeur, Département d’histoire de l’art et études en communication. With Host:Brendan Kelly,Journalist /Journaliste,Montréal Gazétté, CBC Radio, Radio-Canada
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05/05/2015 14:15“Football and the development of a national identity in Newfoundland: 1870-1915” Osvaldo Croci“Football and the development of a national identity in Newfoundland: 1870-1915” / «Le football et le développement d’une identité nationale à Terre-Neuve: 1870:1915. Presentation by Osvaldo Croci ,Professor, Department of Political Science,Memorial University, Newfoundland/ Professeur, Département de science politique, Université Memorial, Terre-Neuve »
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05/05/2015 14:45“Cricket in Montreal: Visualizing Race, Masculinity, and Community in the Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century”Mercelie Dionne - Petit“Cricket in Montreal: Visualizing Race, Masculinity, and Community in the Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century” /«Le cricket à Montréal : visualiser la race, la masculinité et la communauté au 19e et 20e siècle » Mercelie Dionne-Petit,Master’s in Art History, McGill University / Maîtrise en Histoire de l’art, Université McGill
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05/05/2015 15:30“Identity Games: Indigenous Identities and the Game of Lacrosse on the West Coast ”Allan Downey“Identity Games: Indigenous Identities and the Game of Lacrosse on the West Coast ” / «Jeux identitaires : identités autochtones et le jeu de la crosse sur la côte ouest » Allan Downey,Academic Associate, MISC Indigenous Studies Program, McGill University /Associé académique, programme d’Études autochtones de l’IÉCM, Université McGill
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05/05/2015 16:00The Canadiens on the red line between faith and idolatry”/« Le Canadien sur la ligne rouge entre la foi et l'idolâtrie»Olivier BauerThe Canadiens on the red line between faith and idolatry”/« Le Canadien sur la ligne rouge entre la foi et l'idolâtrie» Olivier Bauer , Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies /Professeur agrégé, Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions,Universite de Montreal.
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05/05/2015 16:30Women in hockey: A question of belonging ”Meg HewingsWomen in hockey: A question of belonging ”/«Les femmes et le hockey : une question d'appartenance » Meg Hewings,General Manager, The Montreal Stars, Canadian Women’s Hockey League/Directrice générale,Stars de Montréal,Ligue canadienne de hockey féminin.
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05/05/2015 17:00Closing RemarksWill StrawClosing remarks by Will Straw,Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada; Professor, Department of Art History and Communications Studies /Directeur, Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill;Professeur, Département d’histoire de l’art et études en communication.
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